Hi! Welcome to the NNSVS HED writer!
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I'm not gonna do much UI design on this because to be honest, I cannot be bothered! So have fun using
Refresh to restart.
Do's and Don'ts
- Add everything in one pass. They can be added in comma-separated (e.g. a,i,u,e,o,N)
- Double check if your phonemes are in the right category.
- It is recommended to add categories VUV_Voiced and VUV_Unvoiced for proper voiced/unvoiced distinction.
- Add things individually. Okay, I kind of trust my code on this one, just don't make things hard for yourself
- Add categories for the phonemes specifically. The HED writer already does this.
- Use these characters in phonemes: \/:.=+-~∼!@#$%^ˆ&;_|[]
Well ! Start !!!
Phoneme-Category Table
Flag Table